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六塊肌海豚 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When I read Hillary Clinton's history, policy and Autobiography; she is an ambitious woman but only for her own achievement.
she has two faces, which is an advantage to be politician but not a good president or a person you can trust.
She dont really care about the women and the Children, she supports them jsut because she can take this advantage as being woman and looks down on those people to show sympathy which wont opposed the advance of her presidency. Because she never truly want to know what those people reallyy want and what is the best for wrold! 
Being a president is way different to want to be a president.

🔻Manipulating people too long would forget the heart looks like turns out being an hypocritic; an pypocrtic would be controling by Illusory, sham and shameless.🔻

🚧Please Watch #HouseofCards, you will know what I say.#HillaryClinton is exactlly like the character #ClaireUnderwood.

🖥 House of cards whole series Link : 

#politic #sixpaddolphin


六塊肌海豚 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()